
Monday, November 16, 2009

Waste Prevention in Gift Wrapping: 10 Simple Ideas

Here are ideas from the California Integrated Waste Management Board at

(1) Design your own gift-wrap by using a paper grocery or department store bag; have the kids add decorations.

(2) Spruce up brown paper wrapping with pretty bows (and save them for next year).

(3) Purchase sturdier gift bags and reuse them each year.

(4) For large, hard to wrap gifts, just add a large fancy bow.

(5) Or hide large, unwieldy gifts and give the person a card with a clue to lead them to the present.

(6) Fold up gift boxes and use them again.

(7) Christmas stockings are great for little gifts.

(8) Some gifts come in decorated gift boxes. Just add a bow and a gift tag (made from last year’s Christmas cards).

(9) Wrap gifts in the funny pages or old posters.

(10) If you do use store-bought wrapping paper, buy the kind with recycled content (the more postconsumer, the better).

You and your family can live the Catholic Social Teaching of "Caring for God's Creation" by reducing the amount of paper and ribbon going into landfills. And have a lot of fun doing it!

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