
Friday, November 13, 2009

Fundacion Caminante: Ministry to Help Migrant Workers

Francisco Herrera and and his wife Maria Christina, have a foundation called Fundacion Caminante that helps migrant workers and also the very poor in the US and in Mexico .

Here’s the mission and a brief bio from the web site:


Contribute, as a social justice organization, to the defense of the rights and dignity of all human beings, from our identity as migrant people who in one way or another give witness to love, justice and peace in all social realities.

“Francisco Herrera directs CAMINANTE Cultural Work, dedicated to strengthening working people through retreats, workshops, conferences and concerts. Music provides the venue by which folks can bring their communities together to have a good time, listen to very soulful music and look at their community, deciding what it is we need to change. When people get organized leaders tremble and behave. Francisco's interpretation of original and traditional songs helps us believe in each other.”

Here is Francisco’s web site and you can listen to some of his music:

A friend from my parish loves the songs Atrevete a Sonar and La Tierra.

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