
Friday, January 4, 2013

Video Interview with Shawn Jones, a Homeless Man

Jim Schnitter, member of the Social Justice Committee at St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Livermore, California, is working to give a voice to the voiceless through video interviews of the folks who need our help, and the folks who do the helping.  Livermore is a very prosperous city in the San Francisco Bay Area, and yet its homeless population of about 100 is generally invisible to the average resident.

Meet Shawn Jones, a homeless man:

Below are links to Jim's video interview with Shawn Jones, a well-spoken, homeless man, who lives under a nearby bridge. It is broken up into 3 ten-minute parts.

It seems that Shawn may be one of the lucky ones who have a good chance of getting a permanent place of their own. This is due to him getting access to some services from government and non-profit organizations.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Tri-Valley Social Justice Blog gives a voice to the voiceless

The Social Justice Committee of St. Charles Borromeo of Livermore, California, 
has started a new blog to promote ministries to the poor and provide interviews
with the poor and homeless as well as those who minister to them.

This is a great way to give a voice to the voiceless and invisible among us.

About the photo: This is Gary who works FULL TIME but cannot afford a place to live.  
He is a client of the Livermore Homeless Refuge.

Jim Schnitter just created this blog -- a good example of how a Catholic can jump
in, get started with Blogger (a free online blog tool with canned templates and 
gadgets) and start communicating to the world.  It's not pretty yet, but look
at the content!  Real stories of real people who are both helping and being 
helped.  Really gives a human face to the troubles of our community.

Thanks, Jim!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Catholic Mom has great resources for the family

Here is a family blog from a Catholic families for Catholic families!  Really fun and engaging, with activities to teach kids about the faith as well as serious discussions for parents.

Description from

Welcome to!  Here at the site, we celebrate all things Faith, Family, and Fun from a Catholic perspective.  Enjoy fresh perspectives from our wonderful columnists and contributors.  Read the latest selections from our Book Club.  Check out great tunes from an array of talented Catholic musicians.  Help your child make the most of the Liturgy of the Word with our Sunday Gospel activities.  Listen to our weekly Catholic Moments Podcast for interviews with special people doing extraordinary things to live out our Catholic faith and share it with others.  Come along on one Catholic Mom’s spiritual journey through every day life at Lisa’s Blog.  We’d love to hear from you, so be sure to share your comments and email your thoughts and suggestions to  May God richly bless you and your family!