
Friday, January 4, 2013

Video Interview with Shawn Jones, a Homeless Man

Jim Schnitter, member of the Social Justice Committee at St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Livermore, California, is working to give a voice to the voiceless through video interviews of the folks who need our help, and the folks who do the helping.  Livermore is a very prosperous city in the San Francisco Bay Area, and yet its homeless population of about 100 is generally invisible to the average resident.

Meet Shawn Jones, a homeless man:

Below are links to Jim's video interview with Shawn Jones, a well-spoken, homeless man, who lives under a nearby bridge. It is broken up into 3 ten-minute parts.

It seems that Shawn may be one of the lucky ones who have a good chance of getting a permanent place of their own. This is due to him getting access to some services from government and non-profit organizations.

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