
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Catholic Relief Services has Stations of the Cross for Lent 2012

Catholic Relief Services has a nice Stations of the Cross handout for Lent 2012.  Each Station is linked to an injustice around the world, what CRS is doing about it (and you, too, through your donations and prayers), and what Catholic Social Teaching says about it.

Here is the first Station as an example:

The Stations of the Cross

station 1 Jesus is condemned
In Madagascar, the majority of the population live in rural areas and work as subsistence
farmers. Ineffective farming techniques, limited sanitation systems and frequent droughts
have condemned more than half of the population to live below the poverty line.

catholic social teaching: CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION
We are called to be good stewards of what has been entrusted to us. Through protecting
the environment in which we live, we respect the goodness of nature, a gift God has given.

Catholic Relief Services has worked with the Malagasy people to improve farming methods
and foster environmental sustainability in rural communities throughout the country.

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