
Sunday, October 23, 2011

iPadre: App, Website, Podcast from Fr. Jay Finelli

One of my all time favorite Catholic podcasts is “iPadre” by Father Jay Finelli.

He always begins his show with excellent Christian music.  Then, Fr. Jay answers questions on the Roman Catholic faith from listeners, and addresses a timely topic of faith.  Fr. Jay has done shows on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Blessed Kateri (an Iroquois woman on her way to being the first Native American Saint), the Holiness of Marriage, interviews with nuns and seminarians to help us understand the call to vocations, and so on.  Fr. Jay presents his material in a very understandable and pastoral manner.  A great way to know your faith so you can grown in your faith.

The iPadre App is very nice and easy to use.  (See screen captures below).  I bought it through the iTunes App Store.  The iPadre app makes it easy to listen to the podcast, and to send in feedback.

The iPadre podcast is free on iTunes

The App is $2.  Here is the iTunes store page:

Father Jay’s website is:

Father Jay has a fan page on Facebook:!/groups/18140513512/

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