
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Bishops Need You Voters to Email, Write, Phone Your Representatives

Cardinal Roger Mahony,
Archbishop of Los Angeles
The California Catholic Conference is the staff office of the California Catholic Conference of Bishops. It is the official voice of the Catholic community in California's public policy arena.  On a regular basis, our bishops need you, the Catholic voter, to contact your representatives.  The bishops’ website has form letters ready to go: a few clicks of a mouse and you’re done in 5 minutes.  

As of this writing, the action alerts are

(1) Raise a voice for life and dignity in California,
(2) Support conscience protection for health care providers,
(3) Protect the poor and vulnerable in the federal budget,
(4) HR 3 No Tax Payer Funding of Abortion Act,
(5) Protect Life in the New Health Care Reform Law.

To find action alerts, click here:

I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. -- Psalm 140:12

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