
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Website with reflections on the Sunday readings

My parish publishes a weekly reflection on the Sunday readings.  The reflection is drawn from the Catechism, writings of Saints, papal encyclicals, and prayers of the Saints.  It is so good, that I am putting it on the web.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Divine Mercy Sunday, May 1: Get Yourself Some Big Time Grace

Here is the best link I have found with practical steps for observing Divine Mercy Sunday.

The take home point is that you can receive a huge outpouring of grace by going to Confession, receiving the Eucharist, doing some simple praying -- that's it!

I did this last year, and it was a really beautiful way to enter into the Easter Season.

God's blessings to you all!

One Million Rosaries for Unborn Babies: May 6-8

A multinational effor is underway to get a least 1,000,000 rosaries said for unborn babies!

Please pray a rosary May 6-8 for unborn babies.

Register your rosary at the website!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bishops’ Website Honors Legacy of Pope John Paul II

Memorial video captures key moments, messages during U.S. visits

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has launched a new website to honor the legacy of the late Pope John Paul II. 

The site ( features a 17-minute “John Paul II Memorial Video,” which recaptures touching moments and key messages during the late pope’s visits to the United States. Other contents on the site include a biography and a timeline, as well as major writings, backgrounders, canonizations and beatifications, and more.

Several essays by USCCB experts also explore Pope John Paul’s influence and legacy in areas as diverse as East-West relations, his interaction with mass media, ethical use of technology, or the social mission of the Church. New says will be posted leading up to his beatification.

“Pope John Paul II touched the lives of many people across the globe, in particular Americans during his seven visits to the United States.

Source: Vatican website, “Pontifical Council for Social Communications”,

Monday, April 18, 2011

Catholic Twitter Feeds

Pope Calls for Christian Presence on Social Networking Sites: Facebook, MySpace and Twitter should be used by Christians looking to bring "truth, proclamation and authenticity of life" to the web today, the Pope said in his message for the 45th World Day of Social Communications.  If technologies are used with wisdom, the Pope explained, "they can contribute to the satisfaction of the desire for meaning, truth and unity which remain the most profound aspirations of each human being."

Here are just a few of the excellent Christian Twitter feeds that I have found.  Join today and start adding your own contribution of “meaning, truth and unity”.

CatholicNewsSvc: The daily news service of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

CatholicPriest: Catholic priest in the Society of St. Paul who tweets on scripture, liturgy, prayer, pop culture, morality, vocations to priesthood, religious life and marriage.

CatholicDadsHQ: Faith formation is job #1 with content to enrich the lives of Catholic dads, their families and communities.

RightToLifeCA: News from the group, “Right to Life of Central California”, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to restoring societal respect and effective legal protection for all human beings from conception to natural death.

BenedictineSis: News from the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, including information on saints, books, prayer, Bible quotes, and daily activities in their monasteries.

CatholicClimate: News from the Catholic Climate Covenant with quotes from papal statements, prayers, practical actions that families can take to “Care for Creation, Care for the Poor”

I use Twitter as a mini-blog, repeating the articles shown here on the Home tab on this blog

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Bishops Need You Voters to Email, Write, Phone Your Representatives

Cardinal Roger Mahony,
Archbishop of Los Angeles
The California Catholic Conference is the staff office of the California Catholic Conference of Bishops. It is the official voice of the Catholic community in California's public policy arena.  On a regular basis, our bishops need you, the Catholic voter, to contact your representatives.  The bishops’ website has form letters ready to go: a few clicks of a mouse and you’re done in 5 minutes.  

As of this writing, the action alerts are

(1) Raise a voice for life and dignity in California,
(2) Support conscience protection for health care providers,
(3) Protect the poor and vulnerable in the federal budget,
(4) HR 3 No Tax Payer Funding of Abortion Act,
(5) Protect Life in the New Health Care Reform Law.

To find action alerts, click here:

I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. -- Psalm 140:12

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Going to the Movies? Check Out Christian Movie Reviews!

Before heading out to the movies, why not read a review from a Christian perspective?  If you have older children and teens, why not have a discussion about why, or why not, you choose to view a particular movie?  After viewing a movie, why not have a family discussion about moral values?  Become an informed, thinking consumer of entertainment!

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Office for Film and Broadcasting
Check out the reviews for current movies, those new on DVD/Video, upcoming TV, and even the Vatican's Top 45 List!  The reviews clearly explain the ratings so that you understand any potential issues with a particular movie.

Catholic Christian Movie Reviews
Catholic Movie Reviews offers Christian movie reviews and news with a Catholic perspective from St. Anthony Messenger magazine, Every Day Catholic and Catholic News Service.  The reviews link to the USCCB rating, and also show the Motion Picture Association of America rating.

Decent Films Guide 
A site of film appreciation, information, and criticism informed by Christian faith.  This site evaluates films for overall quality, artistic-entertainment value, moral-spiritual value, and age-appropriateness.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Message of Pope for Lent: Fast from Consumption

 In his 2011 Message for Lent, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the issue of consumption as one which prevents us from fully living the Christian life: 

“The idolatry of goods, on the other hand, not only causes us to drift away from others, but divests man, making him unhappy, deceiving him, deluding him without fulfilling its promises, since it puts materialistic goods in the place of God, the only source of life.”