
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Great Catholic Facebook Pages

Pope Calls for Christian Presence on Social Networks:

Catholics Invade Facebook!

“I would like then to invite Christians, confidently and with an informed and responsible creativity, to join the network of relationships which the digital era has made possible . . . In this field too we are called to proclaim our faith that Christ is God, the Savior of humanity and of history, the one in whom all things find their fulfillment (cf. Eph 1:10).” -- From the Vatican, 24 January 2011, Truth, Proclamation and Authenticity of Life in the Digital Age”, Feast of Saint Francis de Sales,


are just a few Catholic social networking sites you can participate in and share with your friends. These are all on Facebook; if a person or group has a webpage, that is listed, too:

Walk for Life West Coast -- Official Group Page ( Join the growing numbers of Catholics and people of good will speaking out for life.

Busted Halo Show ( Sirius XM Radio show and podcasts answering questions of faith and being Catholic today.

Lino at Large ( Zany, fun Catholic comedy show with host, Lino Rulli.

SQPN ( Dozens of podcasts for Catholics young and old with a vigorous online community.

Catholic: Under the Hood ... The Fanclub! ( Priest and professor of history tells you everything you need to know about Catholic history.

Perpetual Divine Mercy Marathon. Join with others to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet year-round.

iPadre Catholic Podcast ( Father Jay Finelli answers your questions of faith with great compassion; has terrific music on podcast, too.

August 15, 2011 Worldwide Consecration to Jesus Through Mary. Join with others who are consecrating themselves and the world to Jesus through Mary.

Thy Daily Bread Forum ( Daily readings and prayers for spiritual nourishment every day.

Catholic News Service ( World and national news from the US Bishops news service.

Debbie Post (; Friend me on Facebook to see how I am trying to have a Catholic presence.

Great Catholic Twitter Feeds

Twitter Goes Catholic:
Pope Calls for Christian Presence on Social Networking Sites

Facebook, MySpace and Twitter should be used by Christians looking to bring "truth, proclamation and authenticity of life" to the web today, the Pope said in his message for the 45th World Day of Social Communications. If technologies are used with wisdom, the Pope explained, "they can contribute to the satisfaction of the desire for meaning, truth and unity which remain the most profound aspirations of each human being."

I have used Twitter to share Catholic content, and currently follows 34 feeds on Twitter, and am followed by 61. Here are just a few of the excellent Christian Twitter feeds that I have found. Join today and start adding your own contribution of “meaning, truth and unity”.

CatholicNewsSvc: The daily news service of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

CatholicPriest: Catholic priest in the Society of St. Paul who tweets on scripture, liturgy, prayer, pop culture, morality, vocations to priesthood, religious life and marriage.

CatholicDadsHQ: Faith formation is job #1 with content to enrich the lives of Catholic dads, their families and communities.

RightToLifeCA: News from the group, “Right to Life of Central California”, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to restoring societal respect and effective legal protection for all human beings from conception to natural death.

BenedictineSis: News from the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, including information on saints, books, prayer, Bible quotes, and daily activities in their monasteries.

CatholicClimate: News from the Catholic Climate Covenant with quotes from papal statements, prayers, practical actions that families can take to “Care for Creation, Care for the Poor”

dspost: I use Twitter to repeat the content that I post here, kind of a "micro-blog" companion to this blog (

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Catholic Youth Advocacy Day, Sacramento, March 22

Come to a gathering of young people of faith raising their voices in “sincere dialogue and with anxious interest seeking the common good.”

The California Catholic Conference (CCC) invites Catholic youth from all over California who are interested in exercising their “faithful citizenship” in their state’s Capitol. The CCC welcomes all who are interested in meeting with elected officials to speak on behalf of those who are poor, vulnerable or voiceless.

This one-day event will include a Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, information sessions, visits with legislators and a time to debrief with fellow students.

To register, visit:, or contact Linda Wanner, 916-313-4017,

The full flyer is at:

If you live in a different state, check with the Catholic Conference of your own state bishops -- they should have an advocacy day at your state's capital.

Dress a Girl Around the World

A friend at church gave me an article about this charming charity, "Dress a Girl Around the World":

Think of a world where every little girl has one pretty dress, instead of rags, to wear.

Being well dressed is important: girls are at risk from human traffickers.

If you like to sew, their website has dress patterns.

If you have spare pillowcases, box them up and send them to: Judy Conley, 311 Wyndale Rd., Rochester, NY 14617.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

$25 Microloans Fight Poverty & Change Lives

I have been investing in small business women for several years now. Today, many loans had been repaid, so I turned the money around and re-lent it to others.

Meet the Kayonza Twimuke Group of Kyenjojo, Uganda. One of their members, Anna, needs a microloan to buy beans for resale. The Group has eleven members and all work together to guarantee the loan will be repaid. Anna is a farmer and has been in business for the last four years. Her desires include educating her children and building a permanent house.

Join me and a world-wide community dedicated to combating poverty on

Kiva allows you to make small loans to entrepreneurs on five continents, leveraging just $25 to change a life.

Microloans allow people to help themselves; microloans are not a hand out, but a hand up -- I am a business partner with these people, and they are hard working.