
Sunday, February 6, 2011

$25 Microloans Fight Poverty & Change Lives

I have been investing in small business women for several years now. Today, many loans had been repaid, so I turned the money around and re-lent it to others.

Meet the Kayonza Twimuke Group of Kyenjojo, Uganda. One of their members, Anna, needs a microloan to buy beans for resale. The Group has eleven members and all work together to guarantee the loan will be repaid. Anna is a farmer and has been in business for the last four years. Her desires include educating her children and building a permanent house.

Join me and a world-wide community dedicated to combating poverty on

Kiva allows you to make small loans to entrepreneurs on five continents, leveraging just $25 to change a life.

Microloans allow people to help themselves; microloans are not a hand out, but a hand up -- I am a business partner with these people, and they are hard working.

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