
Monday, September 6, 2010

Catholic News Service: Bringing Catholic News from USA and World to You

You probably already know this, but today I finally understood what the "Catholic News Service" (CNS) is all about.

This agency was founded in 1920 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, yet is financially self sustaining, and editorially independent. Their mission is to bring the good, the bad and ugly to us regarding the Catholic world -- great! You can subscribe to their RSS feed, and they also are probably providing much of the news coverage you hear on your local Catholic radio stations. What a terrific organization!

CNS homepage:

Here's what CNS says about itself:

The mission of Catholic News Service is the mission of the Church itself -- to spread the Gospel through contemporary means of communication. Our mission is to perform this task by reporting the news which affects Catholics in their everyday lives.

Some of that news is good and some is bad, but it is what readers need to know in order to work for salvation. They need to know that there are saints in the making in the Church today and they need to know that there are sinners too.

Our mission is to report fully, fairly and freely about the involvement of the Church in the world today.

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