
Monday, June 21, 2010

Catholic Church Has a Patron Saint for the Unemployed

Patron Saint of the Unemployed

One of my relatives is out of a job just now, so I googled the patron saint of the unemployed and those seeking employment.

Saint Cajetan is our friend for employment troubles.

SQPN has a good website on this (and other) saints at:

Saint Cajetan is also known by other names, e.g. Gaetano.

Why pray to a saint? Saints are currently in heaven and can present our prayers before the Throne of God. Ask them to pray for you, just as you would any friend or family member. They are fully within the will of God, and all grace and power they may have come from Him.

The Communion of Saints as stated in the Nicene Creed consists of the Church Militant (all of us here on Earth), the Church Suffering (those getting purified for heaven in purgatory), and the Church Triumphant (everyone in heaven).

Dear Saint Cajetan, please pray for all who are struggling to find a job that is good for them and their families. Amen.

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