
Monday, May 24, 2010

Simple Things to Do to Care for Planet Earth

The Catholic Coalition for Climate Change has a great website. One of their handy features are lists of things anyone can do to care for God's creation.

Here is a list of 25 "Everyday Approaches" that are great activities for families and individuals:

The list covers the following topics, giving some details around each one: recycling, washing clothes in cold water, using tupperware, fixing leaks and drips, using energy-efficient light bulbs, buying local, carpooling, walking, eating more veggies and less beef, planting a tree, assessing your home's energy use, turning off lights, and so on. Tips are also given for school and work and parishes.

I work with the Department of Energy in my day job, and many of these things are from the DOE. In other words, these activities really do make a difference, and are the correct things to do.

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