
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Immigration reform: An imperative for justice and human dignity

“Immigration reform: An imperative for justice and human dignity” by Bishop Salvatore Cordileone, Diocese of Oakland, California:

“Almost all people in this country are or have descended from immigrants. My own grandparents emigrated from Sicily. . .

I remain grateful to our nation for the opportunity it gave my grandparents to escape poverty and hardship and make a new life for themselves. Like so many of you, I am a beneficiary of this great legacy of the United States of America.

Unfortunately, though, there are millions of people in our country who need this same opportunity and, even though we need what they have to offer us, are effectively denied it. Out of desperation they come nonetheless; they are given jobs, but not opportunity.

Some 12 million of these brothers and sisters of ours — many in our own diocese — live in fear of deportation and separation from their families because they are here without legal documentation . . . The Church continues to stand in solidarity with them.”

Read Bishop Salvatore’s complete article at Catholic Voice online:

I think Bishop Salvatore does a lovely job in presenting all sides of the issue in the spirit of the loving compassion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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