
Monday, February 22, 2010

Sister of Charity Tells How Theory of Evolution is Not Contrary to Faith

Today I listened to "American Catholic Radio", a weekly podcast sponsored by the Communication Campaign of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in conjunction with the Franciscans.

I heard a wonderful interview of Sister of Charity Paula Gonzalez. Sister Paula is a former professor of biology, now working as an environmentalist, presenting workshops and retreats on how to live in better harmony with creation.

Last November she wrote an article in St. Anthony Messenger about Charles Darwin, the theory of evolution and how it relates to our Catholic faith. Sister Paula kindly points out that the theory of evolution is not contrary to our Catholic faith, although some atheists do try to use it that way. Evolution is, in fact, an excellent scientific theory that is supported by a large body of scientific fact.

Evolution simply appears to be the way that God chose to create the Universe and fill it with life. How wonderful Thou art, O God! How mighty the works of Thy Hands! Our Eternal Creator continues to support and sustain all His Creation. Praise God!

Read Sister Paula's article is at:

Hear the interview with Sister Paula on American Catholic Radio program #10-07, February 8, 2010, at:

American Catholic Radio is also available as a podcast on iTunes.

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