
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

6th Annual Walk for Life, January 23, 2010, San Francisco

Mark your calendars!

Make a New Year's Resolution!

Make a stand against abortion -- and take a walk!

The West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco is January 23, 2010. Learn more at:

On the east coast, join the March for Life in Washington, D.C., on January 22, 2010. Learn more at:

Last year, I joined two busloads of people from my parish of St. Michael. The rally at the start was incredible -- so many stories of women who bitterly regretted their abortions, men who regretted their lost fatherhood, and heartwarming stories of women who kept their babies and were so happy they had done so! I found the walk quite relaxing -- just strolling along the San Francisco waterfront with 32,000 of my best friends -- praying the Rosary, chatting, looking at the bystanders looking at us. There were only a handful of counter-protesters.

The walk is strenuous because you end up on your feet for several hours -- from the rally to the walk to the rally at the other end. If you cannot join the walk, please pray for the Walk and the March.

1 comment:

  1. I walked this year in San Francisco. It was the first time our famiy joined this cause. Thanks for the information. I will let all my family and friends know the date.
