
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Great Christian Music -- It Ain't All Hymns & Chants

The iPadre Catholic Podcast always starts with great Christian music that is really, really good -- not sappy or "churchy".

iPadre Catholic Podcast:

iTunes Name: "iPadre Catholic Podcasting >> iPadre Podcast"


Here are some good tunes and Christian Rock groups:

“Do You Dare” by Bree Noble
Link to song

”My Everything” by Jonathan Roberts
Link to song

“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” by Karmen Tyler
Link to song

“Jesus Is The Way” by John Polce
Link to artist

“Everyday Eternity” by Take No Glory
Link to song

“Power of One” by Arthur Pope
Link to song

1 comment:

  1. Wow very great music.Its awesome.Thanks for sharing this blog.
    catholic podcast
