
Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Dr. Italy" is a Great Speaker on Catholic Faith!

Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio is a fantastic speaker -- a really down-to-earth Italian Catholic who is also a theologian. He really knows how to talk about our faith. His website has great information and links.

At my parish, we showed his DVD program, "Feast of Faith", and everyone loved it! One group got a copy and formed a small discussion group around it. Feast of Faith is all about the meaning of the Mass, how to prepare ourselves for it, what Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is all about, etc. Many parishioners were astounded by how little they understood the profound richness of the Eucharist: have you studied your faith lately? How about since your own Confirmation? Think about it.

I highly recommend Dr. Ambrosio's columns, audio cassettes and DVDs.

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