
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Free Online Bible Study of Gospel of John

The podcast, "Into the Deep", tackles theology and discipleship today. This podcast is a great resource if you want to delve more deeply into your Roman Catholic faith. The podcast is part of the SQPN Catholic New Media consortium.

Among the many great episodes of "Into the Deep" is a 7 part Bible study on the Gospel of John. This Bible study is very faithful to Vatican II (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation,
Dei Verbum). If you haven't attended a Catholic Bible study lately, this is a great place to start. If you are an old hand, you will also get some meat and potatoes to think about.

The website for "Into the Deep" is:

The podcast feed is:

The 7 episodes in the Bible study for the Gospel of John are:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lectio divina - a way to pray that will astonish you!

Lectio divina is a slow, contemplative way to pray the Scriptures. I learned how to do this from my diocesan coordinator for Small Christian Communities, and I have used it with wonderful results in RCIA, my Small Christian Community group, and various ministry committee meetings at my parish. This can be done alone, but the spiritual insights are astounding when done with a small group. Try it!

Gather in a quiet spot at a time set aside for contemplation and prayer. Allow 20 minutes. Describe the process so that people know what to expect, and guide people firmly through the process.

Select a short, stand-alone passage from the Scriptures. Part of the previous Sunday's Gospel is usually excellent.

1. Read the Gospel. Everyone spends a minute or so in silent reflection.

2. Read the Gospel. Go around the circle, with everyone sharing a single word, short phrase, or image that stands out to them. DO NOT DISCUSS. Be brief. You may need to restate the ground rules.

3. Read the Gospel. Go around the circle, with everyone sharing just a sentence or two about what INSPIRES or CHALLENGES them. Again, do not discuss. Be brief.

4. Read the Gospel. Go around the circle, with everyone giving a short prayer. When all are done, the leader concludes this reflection time with a prayer.

OK -- now you are done with the Lectio divina. Now you can talk freely, discuss, debate, look up references and commentaries, or otherwise go on with your meeting.

Yes! You really read the Scripture passage through FOUR TIMES. Trust me -- try it! The profound insights that have come out of a group of committed Christians all listening to their hearts is beautiful -- and usually everyone has a different and important insight. Lectio divina is a direct encounter with the Living Word of God. No previous experience is necessary! But please follow the directions given above -- it is a time for each person to share whatever comes to their hearts -- it is not a time for Bible study per sec.

Here are some websites that talk about it more:

Written description Fr.
Luke Dysinger:

YouTube video by Fr. Jim Martin:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Dr. Italy" is a Great Speaker on Catholic Faith!

Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio is a fantastic speaker -- a really down-to-earth Italian Catholic who is also a theologian. He really knows how to talk about our faith. His website has great information and links.

At my parish, we showed his DVD program, "Feast of Faith", and everyone loved it! One group got a copy and formed a small discussion group around it. Feast of Faith is all about the meaning of the Mass, how to prepare ourselves for it, what Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is all about, etc. Many parishioners were astounded by how little they understood the profound richness of the Eucharist: have you studied your faith lately? How about since your own Confirmation? Think about it.

I highly recommend Dr. Ambrosio's columns, audio cassettes and DVDs.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The JustFaith Program: Growing in Faith by Working for Justice

"What does the LORD require of you but to act justly and love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God?" - Micah 6:8

Do you feel the challenge to act on issues of poverty and injustice, but don't know how? The JustFaith program is an educational and spiritual program for lay people at the parish level. Parishioners meet weekly from September through May, and have outstanding experiences that include spiritual conversion.

JustFaith Ministries works in conjunction with Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities USA, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This program is endorsed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Learn to become agents of God’s compassion and healing in a wounded world. Answer the challenge of the Good News of Christ and work to address the needs of our most desperate sisters and brothers. JustFaith Ministries helps to fill the world with humble, faith-filled people who act with courageous justice and love with profound tenderness.

Your diocesan office of Social Justice will be able to direct you to parishes in your diocese who are holding the JustFaith program, and can help you start JustFaith at your parish.