
Friday, May 8, 2009

YouTube Goes Catholic! Videos from Bishops, Priests and the Laity!

YouTube has a wonderful selection of orthodox Catholic content!

Unfortunately, it also has some awful, sacrilegious, foul content -- so I did some very careful searching and sorting, and found the videos below. All of these are from Roman Catholic sources that are faithful and orthodox. Be a thoughtful consumer of Internet content -- be wary of clicking on any of the other videos that YouTube will automatically offer to you -- be discerning and evaluate the source.

The Vatican: Straight from the Vatican to you -- recent statements by Pope Benedict VXI, latest news, Vatican Radio, press releases and more.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops videos:

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Our Bishops speak out on current issues facing US Catholics. Videos on conscience protection for health care workers, poverty, faithful citizenship, etc.

For Your Marriage Campaign
: Fun videos interviewing married couples around the country, asking them "What have you done for your marriage today?"

Campaign to Reduce Poverty in America by Catholic Charities USA: An excellent introductory video describing the plight of millions of Americans and what we as Catholics can do.

Catholic Charities USA: voices from the people: Hear directly from real Americans who are struggling; understand the stories and challenges of the working poor.

Other Catholic Videos Affliliated with Bishops:

The Catholic Sun: Videos from the Catholic newspaper serving the Diocese of Phoenix. See topics ranging from immigration reform to making your iPhone a Catholic resource!

Daily Mass from the Catholic Bishops of Canada:

Star Quest Production Network (SQPN) Affilitates (Non-Profit Apostolates)

That Catholic Show:, or Humorous and warm looks into how to live everyday life as Catholics in the real world.

SQPN - Fr. Roderick:, or Variety of shows by Catholic priest, Fr. Roderick Vonhogen. "Godspeed!" takes you on tours of Cathedrals around Europe, "Healthy Catholic" discusses bodily and spiritual health, "Catholic Minute" provides a pot pourri of Catholic topics, "Catholic Insider" takes you around Rome, the Vatican, and other places in the world.

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