
Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Angels & Demons" is full of errors, mistakes, misinformation, fabrication about the Church

The book and movie may be fun thrillers, but watch out! This is fiction! But the tricky thing is that the fiction is portrayed as fact, and some actual facts are mixed in, so a casual reader may come away thinking that the fictions about Holy Mother Church are actually fact.

The Roman Catholic Church is not anti-science.

The Roman Catholic Church does not go about murdering scientists, mathematicians or astronomers.

We Roman Catholics embrace science that is performed to learn the truth about how this elegant universe works. The very heavens tell the glory of God, and the wonderful complexities of the physical world give glory to Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

A great article about the misinformation in Dan Brown's book/movie is on the website of Crossroads Initiative:

A review of the movie is on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website at:

Moving back to the Da Vinci Code and all of its errors, a great website is "Jesus Decoded" by our US Bishops:

The key is to learn about your faith, to know your faith -- Dan Brown's attacks on the faith do not hold water for a minute, and are easy to refute with a few minutes at, say, Wikipedia or your Catechism.

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