
Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Holy Bible Goes High Tech!

No Time to Read the Bible? Think Again!

Busy at work? Why not read the Gospel of the Day during lunch on your computer?

Running errands all over town? You can listen to all four Gospels in less than a week!

Kids claim to be bored by the Bible? Listen to a dramatic reading by professionals with sound effects and hear the New Testament come alive!

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Daily Readings from the New American Bible (

• Read the daily readings (or the entire Bible, for that matter!)
• Listen to audio presentations of the daily readings (available for download to your mp3 player, e.g. iPod, or just click to listen on your computer)
• Watch and listen to a video by a priest or bishop reflecting on the day's readings.

Faith Comes By Hearing (, a ministry from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, providing audio Bibles to the world.

• Free New Testament to download to your computer or portable mp3 player (e.g. iPod)
• About $10 for the entire New Testament on a single mp3 format CD
• About $20 for the entire New Testament on 16 standard audio CDs
• 300 languages and several translations of the New Testament
• Choose either regular or dramatic readings (e.g. with a few sound effects for when Jesus and the disciples are in a storm at sea). Check out a sample of the "drama" style online -- really get your kids interested in listening to the Bible!

I took the Faith Comes By Hearing mp3 disk on a three-day business trip, and listened from 1 Corinthians clear to Revelation just driving around between airport, hotel, and the office. I listened to most of the Gospel of Luke just driving between home, the airport, and back again.

You can get through a tremendous amount of scripture just sitting stuck in traffic – try it!

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