
Christian Movie Reviews

Before heading out to the movies, why not read a review from a Christian perspective?  If you have older children and teens, why not have a discussion about why, or why not, you choose to view a particular movie?  After viewing a movie, why not have a family discussion about moral values?  Become an informed, thinking consumer of entertainment!

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Office for Film and Broadcasting
Check out the reviews for current movies, those new on DVD/Video, upcoming TV, and even the Vatican's Top 45 List!  The reviews clearly explain the ratings so that you understand any potential issues with a particular movie.

Catholic Christian Movie Reviews
Catholic Movie Reviews offers Christian movie reviews and news with a Catholic perspective from St. Anthony Messenger magazine, Every Day Catholic and Catholic News Service.  The reviews link to the USCCB rating, and also show the Motion Picture Association of America rating.

Decent Films Guide 
A site of film appreciation, information, and criticism informed by Christian faith.  This site evaluates films for overall quality, artistic-entertainment value, moral-spiritual value, and age-appropriateness.

Links verified 11/30/2012 dsp