
Catholic Podcasts

Here are great Catholic podcasts that have helped me learn about my faith so I can grow in my faith.  The titles in large, bold font are those given in iTunes. 

Daily Readings from the New American Bible
Read, watch a video reflection, listen, subscribe by iTunes or RSS feed.  Spend less than 5 minutes a day and hear the Daily Readings for Mass.

American Catholic Radio
Features Saint of the Day, Ask a Franciscan, Minute Meditations, Catholic Treasure

The Catholic Laboratory
The podcast includes short biographies of Catholic scientists and their contributions over the centuries, explorations of physics, cosmology and evolution from the perspective of Catholic theology, and a joke of the week!

Busted Halo Cast
An online magazine, radio shows and podcasts for young adult Catholics and the young at heart.  Light hearted and entertaining way to learn and grow in faith.  They answer questions!

Among Women
Among Women celebrates the beauty and grace that women experience in their Catholic Faith and Life. This faith-sharing program is also faith-building, inspiring women in their call to holiness by drawing closer to Christ and the Catholic Church, by living lives of prayer and loving service.

The Station of the Cross
101.7 FM Buffalo, New York
"Proclaiming the fullness of Truth with clarity and charity."

Saint of the Day 
This website from the Franciscans is excellent. You can listen about the Saint of the Day via podcast or read via the webpage or RSS feed.