
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pray the Divine Office with Smart Phone App

The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office, is one of two great prayers of the Catholic Church.  The other prayer is the Mass itself.

This website and free smart phone app teaches you how to prayer this beautiful prayer.  The prayer changes somewhat every day, working through all of the Psalms with Bible verses and sayings from the Saints.  A really nice way to pray, either alone or with a group.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Catholic TV is a great online resource for Catholics

This looks like an amazing resource for anyone who wants to enjoy learning about their faith. They have dozens of different shows -- looks pretty good.

CatholicTV Mission Statement

CatholicTV®/ is a beacon of Hope and a unique Herald of the simple, yet profound Message of Jesus Christ, Who is made truly present among us in the Breaking of the Bread.

Utilizing powerful technology, we strive to connect People of Faith. Through relevant, inspiring and prayerful programming we educate, teaching the Wisdom of God in the Catholic Tradition, endeavoring to move people of all ages, cultures and attitudes toward the Fullness of Life.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"American Catholic" website from Franciscans is a treasure

Today, the American Catholic website has Catholic news from the 
Vatican: an article on the Pope's Christmas message.

This website from the Franciscan Media is full of faithful blogs, 
videos, books, magazines, Saint of the Day, and fantastic podcasts.

All are easy to understand and JOYFUL!  I love the Franciscan 
approach to spirituality: full of the Joy of the 
RESURRECTION of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Monday, December 24, 2012

We have so much to be grateful for ...

This is Kahnu. A $325 loan helped him buy bamboo in bulk to make baskets. Now he doesn't have to worry about supporting his family and can send his 5 kids to school.

Microlending really does break the cycle of poverty.  I love investing in very hardworking entrepreneurs in the USA and across the globe!

For the Advent and Christmas season, the best thing I can do is to help others like Kahnu.

Learn more about microlending through Kiva and see what my parish's social justice committee is doing:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

O Wonderful Savior Who Became One of Us

The Son of God ... worked with human hands; he thought with a human mind. He acted with a human will, and with a human heart he loved. Born of the Virgin Mary, he has truly been made one of us, like to us in all things except sin. 

--- Catechism of the Catholic Church, Chapter Two, Paragraph #470


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

Weekly Guided Bible Readings with Christian Scholars from Seattle Pacific University


Here's a great resource that I just found in iTunes U: Explore the scriptures with your own personal guide!

Description: This free online weekly reading program allows you to explore God's Word with the guidance of an outstanding biblical scholar who has a deeply personal Christian faith.

Lectio: Weekly Guided Bible Readings
Center for Biblical and Theological Education
Seattle Pacific University


On iTunes, here is the link:

iTunes U is a section of iTunes that presents lectures (usually free) from many different colleges and organizations.  I found the Seattle Pacific University lectures on C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien to be excellent and given by men and women of faith, which makes all the difference when lecturing on Christian authors.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Epiphany in the Year of Faith: Blessed John Paul II

        They came from the East ... strange pilgrims:  Wizard Kings,
the Magi.  They passed through Jerusalem.

        They were led by a mysterious star, by outer light itself....
But they were led even more by faith, by inner light.  They arrived ...
and prostrated and adored him....

        Through that pilgrimage to Bethlehem, the Magi ... became the
beginning and symbol of all those who come to Jesus through faith....

        They became the beginning and prefiguration of those who come
from beyond the frontiers of the Chosen People of the Old Alliance,
and reached, and keep on reaching Christ through faith...

        Epiphany is the feast of the vitality of the Church....The Church
is herself when men -- like the Shepherds and the Kings from the
East -- reach Jesus Christ through faith,  When they find God in
Christ-Man and through Christ.

        So Epiphany is the great feast of faith.

        Taking part in this feast are those who have already reached
the faith and those who are still on the way to it.  They take part with
thanksgiving for the gift of faith, as did the Magi, who were full of
gratitude and kneeled before the Child.  The Church takes part in
this feast and every year becomes more conscious of the vastness
of her mission.  To how many people must she still bring the faith!....
But the Church can never call a halt, because she is aware of that
great gift, the gift of the incarnation of God.  She must go on always
seeking the way to Bethlehem for every person and every time.

        Epiphany is the feast of God's challenge!

                                                -- Blessed John Paul II
                                                        6 January 1979

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Father Jay Finelli has great podcast, blog, app

Father Jay Finelli podcasts and blogs "on all things Catholic and then some" with warmth and kindness.  He loves to answer our questions of faith.

Every episode he shares contemporary Christian music which is a real joy to listen to -- upbeat and toe tapping, not schmalzy and sugary.

His smartphone app makes it easy to download episodes and send in questions.  

Father Jay's explanations of the Sacraments and Catholic teaching and doctrine are spot on, and delivered with kindness in a pastoral way.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Catholic Underground: great website by priest

Father Chris Decker has a great website with videos, podcasts, Twitter feed, and articles to help us all learn about our faith so we can grow in our faith ... and especially live out our Catholic discipleship in 21st Century America.

Shows offered by The Catholic Underground:
CU Weekly
CU Specials
Life Is Still Worth Living
Fridays with Benedict
Finding Your Keys

The Catholic Underground's Mission Statement

TheCatholicUnderground exists to explore the intersection of the Catholic Faith and the work of modern technology. Our programs aim to bring the Eternal Truths of the Catholic Faith to the Digital Continent, the Church’s newest mission field, in a manner that is both approachable and unwavering.