
Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Marriage: Unique for a Reason" says Catholic Bishops

My own bishop, Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, was recently appointed the new chairman of the American Catholic bishops' Defense of Marriage Committee.

The Committee's campaign is titled,
“Marriage: Unique for a Reason”.

The Committee's website is full of information, brochures, videos":

The picture at right is a mosaic of the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joachim and St. Anne. How sweet!

“Marriage and the family are the essential coordinates for society. How well we as a society protect and promote marriage and the family is the measure of how well we stand for the inviolable dignity and good of every individual in our society, without exception. The consequences for our future—especially that of our nation’s children—cannot be greater and must not be ignored,” said Bishop Cordileone.

Homeboy Industries Turns Lives Around

He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in his sight. -- Psalm 72:14

Fr. Gregory Boyle spoke to parishes around the San Francisco Bay Area about Homeboy Industries, a ministry that provides jobs and training for ex-prison inmates.

This is an excellent example of the importance of intervening in the lives prisoners, so they go on to become productive members of society; we need to break the downward spiral into poverty and crime.

Learn more at:, 323-526-1254,